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Mentoring Young Fathers

Jamal Vann
Program Director

Jamal has worked in reentry and recruitment for over 10 years, and has been blessed to work at CTS for three of these years. Mr. Vann additionally is the Senior Pastor of New Mercy Worship Center where he is able to serve the community, as well as acting founder and CEO of V.I.S.I.E.N Ministries.

Mentoring Young Fathers

In September 2014, CTS was awarded a two-year grant by the U.S. Department of Justice to provide mentoring and family reintegration and relationship improvement services to fathers, ages 18 to 25 returning from state and local prisons, jails and halfway houses to Philadelphia to transform themselves into productive citizens through assessment, career planning, mentoring, behavior modification, access to CTS certified vocational training on high demand occupations, job readiness, life skills, job placement, retention and supportive services. This program includes valuable education components: Responsible Fatherhood, Parenting Education, Domestic Violence Avoidance and Healthy Marriages. Moving individuals out of poverty through family unification, job skills and employment is the goal of this program. This program helps 150 returning fathers to reconnect to their families, and connect with opportunities to get back on track within Philadelphia.

Mentoring Young Fathers Staff

Delroy Oakley
Case Manager

Delroy is responsible for recruiting and tracking 75 mentees participating in MYF. Other responsibilities are to help with the recruiting, training, and oversight of all mentors. Mr. Oakley additionally serves as a liaison between the program and its partners.

Tessa Pelger
Assistant Program Director

Tessa’s interest in advocating has been exemplified through the last decade of service to promote educational and health access to various populations throughout the world. Connection Training Services provides the opportunity to further reach our society’s marginalized young men and their families to better improve their outcomes.

Antoinette Freeman
Office Manager

Antoinette enjoys working with the reentry population and will be attending Lincoln University in the fall to pursue a degree that furthers her opportunities to work within this field.

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